Neural Therapy
Neural Therapy is a treatment for the dysfunction(s) within the autonomic nervous system (ANS). NT was developed in Germany in the early part of this century by two physicians, Walter and Ferdinand Huneke. Historically it involves the injection of scars, glands, trigger points, acupuncture points, vascular structures, ligaments and autonomic ganglia with procaine.
PK work allows for conscious awareness of how one’s choices, behaviors, decisions, ancestry, etc. impact our reality as well as impacting others and becoming part of the forces of evolution, change, and forward movement. Much chronic illness is attributed to unresolved conflict or trauma in our own life, through our ancestry, or from past, future, or in-between lives. Often times, illness is an indication that a directional change needs to be made and PK is a tool to facilitate this healing.
Family constellation
A powerful tool that allows for the unraveling of ancestral trauma that impacts our everyday lives. So many individuals unconsciously take on destructive family patterns (including illness, addiction, abuse, mental or emotional issues, etc.) as a way of “belonging” in their families.